GET /postal_codes/:postal_code_and_country/forecast

DEPRECATED. This resource is deprecated. New use of this resource should be avoided. Existing use of this resource should be transitioned away from.


Returns a collection of weather forecast data for a latitude/longitude point. :postal_code_and_country is a comma separated postal code and two-character country code (22222,US). If a US Zip Code is provided, only 5-digit codes are allowed.   Requires a subscription plan with the “read_forecast” capability to access this resource. This resource also has geospatial capabilities (such as “geo_north_america”) that must be available to the subscription plan for corresponding queries.

Resource URL

Resource URL Replacement Parts


Your API Key. If you do not have an API key, you may sign up for a free developer account 30-day trial.


Comma separated postal code and country values (e.g. 22222,us). Any spaces in the postal code must be URL encoded as %20. The Canadian postal code "X0A 0K0" would be passed as X0A%200K0,ca. The country must be a 2-character ISO 3166-1 country code.


The desired response format. Allowed formats are:

  • .json


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period optional

Identifies the class of weather forecast data.

Allowed Values: hour, day

Default Value: day

fields optional

Set response to a subset of fields within each element. Available field names:

The Hour class of weather data fields (period parameter is set to hour):

The Day class of weather data fields (period parameter is set to day):

Allowed Values: Comma separated list of field names

Default Value: postal_code,timestamp

Resource Information

API Versions v1
Rate Limited? Yes
Requires Authentication? Yes
Response Formats JSON

Related Documentation

Example Request


[insert response here]